Hood Family

Hood Family
If we were going to sail one of our lights down the Los Angeles River near our studio it would hands down be a fixture from our Hood Family. The hooded shades of die-cut polyethylene, folded and joined to narrow spines of white oak or walnut, evoke the lightness of billowing sails. The buoyancy is intentional, inspired by Brendan's work as a wooden boat builder.
Like several of our lighting families (Cord, Beam), we originally designed our Hood Family to illuminate a restaurant in L.A. The space was a new-Nordic homage to the interiors and objects of Aino Aalto, who was devoted to genuine materials and modernist to the bone, believing everyday objects should be functional and suited for mass production.

To build our Hood chandeliers and pendants, we hand-cut and assemble compound mitered lap joints in our studio to form a triangulated interlocking armature. If you come by our studio - and we hope you will - you'll see a shop wall hung with the forms we use to construct this complex joinery.
There's both movement and stillness in our Hood Family fixtures, as lightweight frames hold the matte white shades aloft, softly emanating light.