Islesford Boatworks

Islesford Boatworks

Islesford Boatworks teaches traditional wooden boatbuilding on the island where Brendan and his family live for part of each year.

The community of Islesford, Maine, was once home to a fair number of fisheries and marine-related businesses, and the island’s population relied on the ocean for their livelihood in a broad spectrum of trades. Today only lobstering remains.

Working with the residents of Islesford, the Ravenhill family started Islesford Boatworks in 2006 as a way to support the waterfront and share their passion for woodworking and boats with children living in the Mount Desert region.

You can support Islesford Boatworks here.

You can also read more about building where Islesford Boatworks builds boats - and the Studio's renovation of the historic site on behalf of the National Park Service - here.